
2022: Phantasia
After being submerged in the depths of the ocean embarking on a journey for ancient ruins, caves and lost treasure, the next chapter of our epic adventure is taking us to a utopia high in the sky, a place of magic, purity, fantasy, imagination and creativity.
Shrouded in mystery and lost in time, an ancient civilisation not only home to heroes and gods, but the birthplace of an immortal flying warrior, created by the sun god himself, the Phoenix. Our phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength, renewal, protection, longevity and rebirth.
Foretold by many Ancient civilisations for centuries now, every 500 years the Phoenix embarks on a journey to restore order. Emerging from the depths of the earth, the Phoenix travels the world healing, protecting, purifying and destroying all evil until it reaches its final destination, its birthplace, Esoterica...
Shrouded in mystery and lost in time, an ancient civilisation not only home to heroes and gods, but the birthplace of an immortal flying warrior, created by the sun god himself, the Phoenix. Our phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength, renewal, protection, longevity and rebirth.
Foretold by many Ancient civilisations for centuries now, every 500 years the Phoenix embarks on a journey to restore order. Emerging from the depths of the earth, the Phoenix travels the world healing, protecting, purifying and destroying all evil until it reaches its final destination, its birthplace, Esoterica...